Dracaena Sanderiana-Lime Color
Buy the Dracaena sanderiana-Lime color plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This dracaena plant lime green color is an evergreen perennial shrub with eye-catching leaf foliage. Broad evergreen leaves are smooth, and alternate pale yellow to green. Plant growth seems erect and looks like bamboo growth but it is not a real bamboo plant. You can purchase this lime green color dracaena from our online plant shopping & grow a wide range of crotons around you.
FERTILIZER: Application of organic fertilizer such as groundnut cake powder monthly once around the plants.
PROPAGATION: Done from stem cutting
REPOTTING: Repot the plants 3-5 years after planting.
PRUNING: Trim the old matured plant parts not to prune the plants often.
- Best ornamental plants for both indoor & outdoor
- Low-maintenance ornamental plant which brings good luck & prosperity to your house.
Dracaena sanderiana-Lime color plants are the most popular nowadays and in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.
- This Dracaena requires pots size of 6’’with well-drainage holes
- Water the plants weekly twice not to make the soil wet.
- Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight or 2 hours of direct sunlight with shade.
- Clean the dust over the leaves regularly.
Other Related Plants Available: Dracaena sanderiana at santhi plant nursery
We have 150+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality organic products, that are safe for eco-friendly, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and grow a wide range of ornamental plants around your living space.
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