Jasminum Fluminense Plant (Santhana Mullai)
Buy Jasminum Fluminense Plant (Santhana Mullai) plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant is an perennial woody plant with a sweet-smelling fragrance.White flowers bloom in clusters with 8 petals. The fruits of jasmines are berries that turn black when ripe. You can purchase this beautiful plant from our online plant shopping and good flowering plants.
FERTILIZER: Application of diluted Panchagavya through spraying can be done once in month or 20 days once.
PROPAGATION: Done through hardwood cuttings, layering & grafting.
REPOTTING: the plants to a new container or grow bag when the root seems to grows through drainage holes.
PRUNING: It is best to prune the plants after the summer season.
- This plant is commonly known as an ornamental fragrance plant.
- The plant contains several enzymes and active compounds that stimulate digestive juices and improve digestion.
- The plant is rich in antioxidants and other compounds that help to strengthen the immune system, protect against infections, and reduce inflammation.
- Santhana Mullai plant has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the body.
Santhana Mullai plants are the most popular nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.
- These Santhana Mullia plants require 6-9 inches of the pot to grow.
- Use well-drained soil or potting mix.
- This plant requires regular water. Not to allow the soil to dry.
- The sunlight needed for this plant is direct bright light of about 6-7 hours.
- In the growing season feed the plant with any organic fertilizer like Farm yard manure around the plants.
Other Related Plants Available: Royal jasmine, Arabian jasmine.
We have 160+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and the best quality products, which are nature friendly and sustainable and do not cause any harm to the environment hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and grow beautiful sweet-smelling flower plants around you.
Overall to this, we ensure you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.
Baldev Singh –
Good. Only received the root but it’s growing now and has 2 new leaves which make me very happy.
shweta verma –
updating after one year ..very beautiful plant.. fragrance is just awesome..growth is very fast..if given proper care and home fertilizer….best plant to add fragrance to your lovely garden….
Swethapalani –
Vinitha –
Top class plant
Priyanga –
Super..Purchased 5 Jasmine varieties all are surviving well.thank you Santhi online plants.
Anil Kumar –
Very nice plants
joyfullachu –
I love this fragrance plant
joe –
The plant climbed over the roof and it spreads heavy fragrance. I had ordered more than 10 plants each and every plants are being very healthy now. please include more fragrance verities of plants. Thank you