Keelanelli (Stonebreaker) - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Keelanelli (Stonebreaker)

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹39.00.

The Keelanelli (stonebreaker) is the most beneficial herbal plant with small needle like leaves.This plant is catagorized under herbal, medicinal and foliage plant.

  • COMMON NAME: Keelanelli or stonebreaker plant
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Phyllanthus niruri
  • FAMILY: Phyllanthaceae
  • SOIL: Grows well in wide range of soil
  • ORIGIN: India
  • PLANT HEIGHT:5-8 inches


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Keelanelli (Stonebreaker)

Buy Keelanelli (Stonebreaker) plant from our Santhi online plant nursery.Keelanelli plant grows in tropical and subtropical regions of countries in Central and South America, India, and East Asia. The Keelanelli plant can grow to a height of 20 to 25 inches, and its branches have tiny leaves. Fruits appear on the leaves below the leaves and are very small.

It grows beside water bodies, farm bunds, and wastelands and is a short shrub. The plant’s leaves contain ‘Phyllanthin,’ an active component that gives the leaves a pronounced bitterness. It is one of the plants with the highest potassium content. Its unripe fruits look like neelikaai, amla, or gooseberry, but they’re smaller and grow beneath the leaves, earning it the name Keelanelli.

Phyllanthus Niruri is the scientific name for the Keelanelli plant, often known as the Keelanelli plant. You can find Keelanelli all around Tamil Nadu. Sometimes you can find this plant in wastelands in cities and towns if you recognize it.


  • This herbal plant requires Sun light of about 4-6 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Per acre, 5 tonnes of organic manure and 100 kg of DAP should be applied.
  • Irrigated crops will yield well from June to August and January to February.
  • Weeding takes place 15–20 days after transplanting.
  • Watering occurs once a week.
  • Dry the seeds and store them for later use.


  • In Ayurveda and Homeopathy, it is commonly used. It can be found in a variety of ayurvedic medicines.
  • The plant has a wide range of uses, from treating liver diseases to aiding hair growth. The plant extract promotes hair growth and is especially beneficial for men with male pattern baldness.
  • Keelanelli is an herbal treatment used to treat liver and spleen enlargement, as well as Hepatitis A and B, and to prevent Hepatitis C. It is popular for treating jaundice.
  • The keelanelli stimulates hunger while also reducing inflammation.
  • Keelanelli herbal tea is simple to make at home.


       We have 145+plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and best quality products, which are environment-safe and biodegradable and do not cause any harm to the environment hence we recommend you to buy online plants from us and make your life healthy by eating herbal plants.

      Certainly , we assure you  that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favourite one.


1 review for Keelanelli (Stonebreaker)

  1. Jisha

    Very healthy plant

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