Ground Orchids
Buy the Ground orchid plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. These Spathoglottis plicata orchid flower plants are evergreen perennial flowering plants. Orchid flower plant blooms well in ground area so the name is called ground orchids. Flowers are large purple-white blooms in clusters. Leaves are straplike light green & long broad ones. You can purchase different ornamental plants from our online plant shopping website.
Growth Rate: Medium growth with a cluster of purple flowers
Life Span: Year-around flower blooming plant.
Propagation: Done through divisions
FERTILIZER: Application of any organic fertilizer for two months once at a low concentration such as Bio-NPK through the foliar spray.
REPOTTING: Transfer the spathoglottis plicata orchid flower plants to new pots yearly once when the plants are found root bound.
Landscape Uses: Rare species of ornamental flower plant blooms well in gardens, parks & also indoors.
This ground orchid plant requires suitable containers or pots with proper drainage holes.
Watering: Water the plants weekly once or twice. Watering is required only when the top inches of soil dries. Moderate watering only.
Sunlight: Requires direct sunlight of 2-3 hours with partial shade at outdoors. In indoors requires only partial light.
Placement: Outdoor & Indoor conditions.
We have 205+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer live healthy plants and the best quality organic fertilizers that are safe for eco-friendly, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and grow colorful ground orchids in your garden & indoor areas.
We include that we confidently say we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.
Pravin kumar –
“Thriving straight out of box!”
Jisha –
Priyanga –
Orchid plants available here at affordable cost.Good flowering.