Medicinal plants and their uses - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Medicinal plants and their uses - Santhi Online Plants Nursery

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Medicinal plants and their uses

Traditional medicinal plants and uses are uncountable. Have you heard or seen that our Grandma's are seeking medicines from medical shops or doctors often? No, during those days every disease & deficiency was cured by medicinal plants. 

Why some of the plants are said to be medicinal & herbal plants are medicinal plants? 

Herbal Plants are not medicinal plants. The medicinal plants used in Ayurveda & herbal products are plant-based extracts & medicinal plants are medicinal plant extracts & that are safe & non - toxic

Top 10 Medicinal plants and their uses


Table Of Content

  1. Tulsi
  2. Black Pepper
  3. Neem
  4. Gotu Kola
  5. Amla - Indian Gooseberry
  6. Lemon Grass
  7. Bryophyllum pinnatum- Ranakalli
  8. Khus - Vetiver
  9. Black Vitex 
  10. Adhatoda Vasica


The tulsi is the top medicinal plant. It has enormous benefits & uses. Tulsi plants are also sacred plants for home. It has green & red leaves with pink flowers and is the most essential plant for home. As it is a sacred plant brings a lot of positive energy & harmony.

The tulsi is anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-protozoal, anti-malarial, and anthelmintic.

Chewing two to three tulsi leaves weekly boosts immunity, and reduces cough, cold & other respiratory diseases. Additionally, it's a stress relieving plant

Medicinal tulsi plants have many benefits cure gastrointestinal disorders, are insect repellant, and cure insect bites.

Good for kidneys, skin, & hair.

medicinal plants tulsi

 Check for Tulsi plant care

Black Pepper

The black pepper ancient plant is native to India (Sothern regions of Kerala). The piper plant is a climber plant with year around habit and has dark green lance shaped leaves and berry fruits.

Pepper plants contain an excellent source of anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties.Excellant plant in top 10 medicinal plants

The black pepper plant is an essential plant for the home as it has many benefits such as curing respiratory diseases, and digestive problems, boosts the immune system, helping in weight loss, improving brain functionalities, curing dental problems, and many others.

It has vitamins A, E, K, B6, thiamine, & Riboflavin the black pepper plant is king spice and contains Iron, copper, calcium, pottasium, manganese & phosphorous.

black pepper plant

Check for pepper plant care


The Neem plant originated in India and it is the oldest medicinal plant. Neem species have many health benefits, additionally, it has timber value & organic pesticides.

Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease , and liver problems. Pregnant ladies avoid eating Neem leaves & related products

All parts of the plant have anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties.

Neem products organic fertilizers such as natural repellants, pesticides, and fungicides for plants. They are low toxic and most commonly used in organic farming.

top 10 medicinal plants

Check for neem plant care

Gotu Kola - Centella asiatica

This is a traditional herbal plant that supports memory, thinking, and other nerve functions apart from this it heals wounds, and various skin conditions such as leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, fever, and diseases of female genitourinary tract.

gotu kola

Check for Gotu Kola care

Amla - Indian Gooseberry

The Amla plant is all season bearing fruits and the tree is small to medium with a crooked trunk & spreading branches. This tree is known as the oldest popular medicinal plant.

In traditional Indian medicine, all parts of the plant are used, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark, and flowers.

Amla's benefits are enormous such as boosting immunity, good for heart health, excellent source of vitamin C for skin & hair, great plant for diabetes, and high fiber content that helps for digestion & irritable bowel movements.Amla plant is low maintenance plant.

amla plant

Check for Amla plant care

Lemon Grass

The Lemon grass -  Cymbopogon  is good food and medicine. Lemon grass are perennial species and it is oily grass. It smells fresh, lemony, earthy, and sweet due to the presence of citronellal, citronellol, and geraniol are its active ingredients.

The lemon grass tea relieves stress & anxiety

Drinking lemon grass tea it reduces cholesterol & helps to activate the immune system.

Most importantly, it is an excellent mosquito repellant plant.

lemon grass

Check for lemon grass Care

Bryophyllum pinnatum- Ranakalli

Bryophyllum pinnatum is a miracle plant, as life begins with a leaf. As the name Ranakalli denotes it heals wounds, insect bites, bruises, boils, and even skin ulcers.

Additionally, it is a blood purifier plant.

black pepper plant

Check for Bryophyllum pinnatum- Ranakalli care


This khus grass -Vetiver bunch grass with medicinal properties. The name Vetiver denotes its garland of victory once the king won the war. Khus is a versatile plant belonging to the Poaceae family.

Vetiver water has cooling properties once the plants are soaked in water it cleans the impurities present in water.

Vetiver oil has many purposes in many Ayurvedic treatments.

And this is the perfect pollution control plant.

Check for Vettiver plant care

Black Vitex - Karunochi

This is an ancient plant with many medicinal values. Leaves are greenish black and this is fasting growing perennial herb.

This plant species has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal properties. It relieves asthma, headache, and sinusitis by steam inhalation, leaf paste, and powder form.

top 10 medicinal plants

Check for Black Vitex - Karunochi plant care

Adhatoda Vasica

The Adhatoda Vasica is the traditional medicinal plant commonly called Vasaka or Malabar Nut. It is a small evergreen bush originally from the lower Himalayas. Leaves are oppositely arranged, smooth-edged, broad, lance shaped leaves borne on short petioles.

In ancient times it is the best medicine to cure respiratory disorders. The leaves contain carotene, vitamin C, and essential oil - the whole plant is sedative, and expectorant.

Adhatoda cures bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis, sore throat, and other lung and bronchial disorders. And also powdered leaves cure malaria and many other uses this plant has.

top 10 medicinal plants

Check for Adhatoda Vasica plant care

All the top 10 medicinal plants have extraordinary medicinal value. Kindly, always seek advice from a medical practitioner before taking these medicinal plants.