Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii/Dwarf Green – Pot Plant
Buy the Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii/Dwarf Green pot plant from our Santhi online plant nursery website. This Sansevieria hahnii plant has upright leaves with distinctive grey-green irregular stripes & bands all over the leaves. Sansevieria trifasciata has thick roots, narrow pointed leaves & dwarf in growth. Mature Sansevieria green plants reach up to a height of 9-10 inches in height. This plant has a rosette growth. You can purchase beautiful Sansevieria snake plants from our online plant shopping website.
FERTILIZER: Application of any good organic manure monthly once around hahnii snake plants.
PLANT GROWTH: Fast-growing plant possibly 3 to 6 feet per year.
PROPAGATION: Done through single leaf or rhizomes.
PRUNING: No need for any regular pruning. To require new growth prune the old & damaged leaves alone. Initially check the plant’s health before pruning. Pruning is necessary only to get a compact structure for Sansevieria plants. Use only sterilized knives to prune the plants.
This Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii/Dwarf Green brings positive vibration around the environment
It is also an excellent air-purifier plant to remove indoor pollutants such as benzene & others.
This variety of snake plants adds a beautiful appearance to both indoor & outdoor environments.
Sansevieria trifasciata plants are the most popular nowadays and in high demand nowadays, We offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.
The placement of sansevieria trifasciata plants both indoors & outdoors such as bedrooms, offices, kitchens, and reading rooms.
Sunlight: Requires moderate light i.e., bright filtered sunlight.
Watering: Only when topsoil 2-3 inches feel dries to the touch.
Note: Keep the plant away from children & pet animals. Not to ingest.
We have 145+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality organic products that are safe for eco-friendly, we recommend you buy online plants from us and get green snake plant varieties from us.
With this, we heartfully say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.
Jisha –
Priyanga –
Good collection of snake plants here.I got this plant & its thriving well