Mahatma (cordyline terminalis mahatma) Plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Mahatma (cordyline terminalis mahatma) Plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery

Mahatma (cordyline terminalis mahatma)

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹49.00.

Mahatma is an excellent houseplant with glossy purple-shaded leaves. This plant is categorized under air purifier, ornamental, and indoor plant. 

  • COMMON NAME: Hawaiin Ti plant
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cordyline terminalis mahatma
  • FAMILY: Asparagaceae (Agave family)
  • SOIL: Grows well in good drainage moist soil.
  • PLANT TYPE: Tree shrub
  • ORIGIN: Pacific island 

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Mahatma (cordyline terminalis mahatma)

Buy Mahatma (cordyline terminalis mahatma) plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant is an evergreen perennial with solitary purple leaves with brown shades it grows up to 19 inches. Fan-shaped and spirally arranged leaves. Flowers are small, scented, and purple-colored. You can buy this plant from our online plant store and grow attractive plants on your terrace.

FERTILIZER: Apply any slow-release fertilizers like bone-meal fertilizer once in four months. You can purchase from our online garden store and grow healthy plants. 

PROPAGATION: Done through stem cuttings.

REPOTTING: Repotting is done when the plants are matured in appearance. Gently remove the lateral roots that curl around outside the root ball. Place the plant with care in a new pot of large size. Add any potting mix after repotting for a nutrient supplement. You can get from our online plant shopping and grow beautiful plants around you.

Pruning operation is done during the summer and spring seasons. Avoid pruning operations during the winter season. Ragged cuts can cause diseases. So pruning operations should be done carefully. We have wide categories of plants online and you get good healthy plants from us.


  • Mahatma cordyline terminalis is one of the best good luck houseplants.
  • This plant removes indoor airborne pollutants.
  • Examples of Formaldehyde, CO2, Benzene, Lead, and Trichloroethylene which can be found in paints, furniture, machines, or other electric appliances.
  • As its drought-tolerant plant grows well in summer and has no need for much watering.
  • Dracaena cordyline is an ornamental plant and air purifier it can be placed both in the office and at home & also used for landscaping purposes.

These air-purifying indoor plants are in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at an affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.


  • Leaves are toxic to pet animals and mildly toxic to human beings.
  • Keep the plant away from children & pet animals


  • Place the plant in a pot size of 4-6 inches.
  • Fill the pot with the required amount of well-drained soil or potting mix organic compost.
  • Water the plants once a week, do not overwater the plants it may lead to root rot. 
  • To keep in direct sunlight outdoors and bright sunlight spots indoors.
  • Apply any organic fertilizer. 


Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and the best quality products, which are earth-friendly and sustainable in nature. Hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and purify your environment with the help of these air purifiers.

Furthermore, we truly say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.


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