Barleria Obtusa Blue - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Barleria Obtusa Blue - Santhi Online Plants Nursery

Barleria Obtusa Blue

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹45.00.

Buy the Barleria Obtusa blue plant which bears lovely blue flowers & plant grows round bushy small tree. You can get different varieties of Barleria plants from us.

Plant Height: 5 to 8 inches

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Barleria Obtusa Blue


Buy the Barleria obtusa blue flower plant from our Santhi online plants nursery website. This Barleria plant is a fast-growing, hardy, evergreen small drought-tolerant shrub. The leaves of this December poo variety are broad initially it can be seen as purple once the plant gets matured it bears green leaves. Clusters of 1-inch wide blue colour flowers appear at the branch tips. You can buy a variety of flowering plants from our online plant shopping website.


Flowering Time: March to June



These December poo plants are excellent loose flowers with huge flower yields.

The cluster of blue colour flowers attracts honey bees & butterflies.

Additionally, these plants can be hedges, ornamental & groundcover plants.


Care Instructions

Soil: The barleria plant thrives well in good aerated soil of acidic pH.

Sunlight: This flowering plant requires full direct sunlight of about 5-6 hours.

Watering: Baleria obtusa plants are considered drought tolerant but the plant requires watering when the top inches of soil seem dry to touch.

Fertilizer: The application of cow manure or good compost around the plants monthly once helps the plant to grow faster & get good yield.

Plant Placement: This plant is perfectly suited outdoors with a somewhat large area around the plant.


About Us

We Santhi Online Plants have 250+ plants online at the very lowest cost. We deliver plants & organic products to your doorstep. Hence we recommend buying plants & organic fertilizers from us.

Therefore we are the best online plant nursery website. You can get more information by visiting our website & grow beautiful flowering plants around you.


1 review for Barleria Obtusa Blue

  1. Priyanga

    Nice collection of Barleria plants are here.

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