Anthurium Plants (Green – Chocos Brown)
Buy Anthurium Plants (Green – Chocos Brown) from our Santhi online plant nursery website.Anthurium plants are known for their beautiful, glossy, heart-shaped leaves and vibrant, long-lasting flowers.Anthurium leaves are dark green, glossy, and heart-shaped with a pointed tip. They grow on long stalks and can reach up to 6 inches in length. The leaves are usually between 5 to 10 inches long, and around 3 to 6 inches wide.The flowers consist of a spadix (a spike-shaped structure) and a spathe (a leaf-like structure) that surrounds it.The flowers bloom throughout the year.The stem of the Anthurium plant is usually erect and can grow up to 18 inches in height. It is woody and thick, with a slightly ridged surface.You can buy this plant from our online plant shopping and grow good anthurium plants around you.
FERTILIZER: Apply organic fertilizer such as steamed bone meal in diluted form.
PROPAGATION: Done through root & stem cuttings.
REPOTTING: Once when the root throughout the drainage holes.Transfer the plant to 2 inches big size pot
PRUNING: Remove any damaged or diseased foliage. If you notice any brown spots, mold, or other signs of disease on the leaves
- This plant makes them a great choice for indoor plants, particularly in offices and homes.
- Anthuriums are relatively low maintenance plants, making them a popular choice for people who are new to gardening or have limited time to care for plants.
- Anthuriums are known for their long-lasting, vibrant blooms, which can last for weeks or even months if cared for properly.
Anthurium plants are the most popular nowadays and in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.
Anthurium Plant (Green-Fantasia brown) Maintenance & Care:
- These plants requires watering once in a week when top soil is dry to touch.
- Anthurium plant requires only warm light of about 4-5 hours.
- Additionally feed the plants with any organic fertilizer like 6 months old compost, tree leaf compost.
Other Related Plants Available: Anthurium green-fantasia brown
We have 160+ plant varieties online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality organic products, that are safe for eco-friendly, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and grow best anthuriums around you.
Although, we ensure you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favourite one.
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