ABOUT ROSEWOOD - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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ABOUT ROSEWOOD - Santhi Online Plants Nursery

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Rosewood is a fast-growing nitrogen-fixing tree that can easily be propagated and will grow on any well-drained soil, even on pure sand. It is mainly grown for its durable heartwood, being among the finest general-use timbers in South Asia and is commonly used for high-class furniture and marine-grade plywood. This grows in the sub-Himalayan tract from Oudh eastwards to Sikkim, Bihar, Orissa, and throughout Central and Southern India.

Origin: It is indigenous to India and distributed in the sub-Himalayan tract of eastern U.P to Sikkim. It also occurs in central, western and southern India.

Rosewood Plant Description

Rosewood is a deep, ruddy brown to purplish-brown colour, richly streaked and grained with black resinous layers. It takes a fine polish but because of its resinous nature is difficult to work. However the heartwood begins to decay, making it faulty and hollow at the centre.

Indian Rosewood is an erect deciduous tree. It grows to the height of 25meter and 2-3 meters in diameter. It has leathery leaves which are up to15 cm long. The flowers are whitish-pink in colour. A crown is oval in shape. The fruit is brown and pod like in shape. it's fruit is dry and hard. sapwood is white to pale brown In colour and the heartwood is golden to dark brown in colour. Flowers occur from October to February

Rose wood Planting

Rosewood trees are suitable for landscaping. They can be planted as a shade tree for tea plantations and also are a part of many household gardens and lawns. These are easy to grow and quite hardy plants, requiring only a little care and attention.

Requirements for growing Rosewood plant

You can propagate these plants from both seeds and saplings. Although it is more appropriate and advisable to buy a healthy plant from a nearby nursery for better plant growth. But you can also grow them from seeds and suckers that are readily available. If you are growing a nursery bought plant, then look no further and directly plant it into the location you desire. So is the case when growing them from seeds. You can directly sow the seeds on your farm or garden. Soaking the seeds in water before you sow them will ensure better results.

✓ Location

Plant them in a location where they get enough space and sunlight. When you plant the seedlings, they require partial sunlight. However, the bigger plants or trees can survive in full sun.

As these plants are native to India, they do well in tropical and subtropical regions. They can survive the temperatures ranging from 4- 49°C. The best time to grow these plants is in the months of spring or early summer.

✓ Soil
They can survive in almost any kind of well-draining soil. Alluvial soil, mixed with gravel or sandy loam that drains excess water but stays moist, is ideal for growing Sheesham trees. They can also grow in slightly saline soil.

Pests and Diseases
Be careful about termites and fungal infections. These infections are quite easy to treat with the help of soap water or Neem oil solution.

You need to deeply water these plants regularly as the plants require a lot of moisture to grow dense foliage. During their growth period, water them thoroughly until the topsoil goes dry. However, overwatering or flooding the tree continuously will lead to the formation of superficial roots in them.

Medicinal values

Indian Rosewood holds many medicinal properties. oil stimulates new cell growth, regenerate tissues, and heps minimize lines and wrinkles. It helps balance both dry and oily skin. It can prove useful against acne.

Other uses

It is important fuelwood and is also used for shade and shelter. Its wood is used for making furniture, doors, windows, shop floors, plywood, skis, musical instruments, carvings etc. Because of durability Rosewood is often used in martial art weaponry, particularly as the shaft of spears and in the gun staves.


In conclusion, Rosewood is a precious timber species, for which demand keeps rising. But, due to the threat of extinction and non-availability of sustainable timber plantations of rosewood in main producing countries, there is a trend in shifting the market. Adding value to the species will yield more economic benefits to the country, and there is a need for buyers and exporters to cooperate in this direction.

To buy more plants, pots, fertilizer and growbags kindly visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com