Leafy Vegetables Seeds Combo - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Leafy Vegetables Seeds Combo

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.

Leafy Vegetables seeds combo pack contains 5 amazing varieties of leafy vegetables. These all are folic acid-rich leafy vegetables with essential minerals & vitamins. Get these green stuff vegetables in your daily diet.

19 in stock

SKU: SED28 Categories: ,


Leafy Vegetables Seeds Combo


Buy the Leafy vegetables seeds combo from our Santhi online plant nursery website. This combo contains a variety of seeds grown primarily for their edible leaves. These vegetables are known for being nutritious, high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and low in calories. Get vegetable and fruit plants from our online plant shopping website.


What are the benefits of these leafy vegetables seeds combo?


These leafy vegetables add green stuff to your daily diet.

The variety of leafy vegetables are high folic acid vegetables.

This combo pack contains a good amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals,& fiber content. Additionally, these are lower in calories.

These foliage leaves support good vision & heart health.

Green leafy foliage are vegetables rich in folic acid good source for pregnant women.


Plant Required Condition


Germination Percentage: 98%

Germination Starts:  1 week after sowing through broadcasting method

Harvest: 45 – 60 days after seed sowing.


Plant Care


Soil: The green stuff plants grow well in fertile well-aerated soil or organic pot mix.

Sunlight: These plants require direct light for about 4-5 hours.

Feed : Application of vermicompost around the plants after 5 -6 days of germination.

Watering : Watering in the morning helps the soil and roots absorb the water fully by foliage leaves.

Mulching: Helps the plants to grow healthier.


Santhi Online Plant Nursery


We are stepping as India’s number one website for plants in Nano cover production. These folic acid vegetables are easy growing one for types of gardeners.


For more kindly visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com & get vegetables rich in folic acid content.















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