Lovely Portulaca Combo Plants - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Lovely Portulaca Combo Plants

Original price was: ₹323.00.Current price is: ₹242.00.

Get the wonderful table rose plants in bulk quantity from our online plant shopping. These are lovely succulent family plants with attractive colors that are both single & multi-petaled plants. Place your orders as soon as possible as this combo ends fast because the stock is limited.

Lovely Portulaca Combo plants include


Pink Purslane

Portulaca 9’o clock Lime yellow

Portulaca 9’0 clock white

Portulaca 9’0 clock Ivory white

Portulaca pilosa

Portulaca Tiara yellow

Portulaca 9’0 clock yellow

Portulaca 9’0 clock Dark Pink



Note : Plants in this combo are nano cover plants those are well rooted.

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Lovely Portulaca Combo Plants


Buy the Lovely Portulaca combo plants from our Santhi online plant nursery website. The portulaca flower plant is commonly called table rose plant. These plants are annuals that belongs to the semi- succulent family & one of the best long-lived groundcover & hanging plant. The table rose plant grows as trailing veins.Get the variety of hanging plants from our online garden store.


Benefits – Lovely Portulaca combo plants


Portulaca flower plants succulent are easy-growing plants in all tropical regions.

The table rose flower colors attract many butterflies & bees

These plant varieties are best for hanging plants, green walls, vertical gardens, creeper plants & rock garden plants.


The table rose colors flower plants are the most popular nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.


Plant Care


Portulaca flower plants require 3-4 inches of the pots required for growth.

Use any well-drained soil or organic pot mix. 

Preferably use sandy loam or clay loam soil.

Water the plants once a week. As this plant is drought tolerant & portulaca succulent

This plant requires direct sunlight for 6 hours

Application of any organic fertilizer  manure compost once a month around the table rose plant varieties.

Young ones are easily grown by pinching back the stem.



About Us


We have 400+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide healthy live plants and the best quality products.


Therefore, we confident to tell you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and get bulk table rose colours plants.








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